Evan Brown. CD. Writer. Musician. Friend to all cats.


Lowe’s Make More Holiday Campaign

For this campaign, Lowe’s wanted to go all out, because they knew
that finally, hopefully, maybe, we can go all out like we weren’t able to last year. 
They tapped us to create a narative-driven campaign, which was the first for this brand.
We got Samir Mallal to direct close to a dozen spots for this campaign. These are the first of the batch. I have to hand it to the teams who brought this amount of work together in such a short time.

We began with More lights, and a father and son who are a little obsessed with decorating the house 
and keep finding more places to decorate. 

With Missing Lights, we went for a heartfelt story involving a mother and her teenage daughter.
At first it seems she’s not into mom’s idea of decorating. Turns out she has a surprise up her sleeve. 


For “Starter Home,” a dad helps his daughter move into her new house. When she discovers
ther fridge isn’t working, dad saves the day, and their holiday.

In addition to the other spots breaking shortly, this campaign also includes radio, digital and social.